We Feel Good about our sunscreen

We Are Feel Good Inc is hands down our family’s favourite sunscreen. I discovered it some years ago whilst searching for an Australian made product in which the manufacturing would be reliable after a widespread spate of sunburn incidents linked to overseas made products, and recalls due to cancer-causing benzenes. It boggled my mind that the very thing we might be painting ourselves with to protect us from cancer, could actually be causing it!

Designed by a doctor, a builder and a professional surfer from Western Australia, and Australian made and owned, these products feel so good to use (hence their name!) and are free from parabens, oxybenzoate, octinoxate and PABAs; common in many other sunscreen products, but with dubious safety when it comes to both coral reefs and humans!

Our pump packs live by the back door, close to a mirror, so it’s hard not to slather some on your face, hands and arms as you grab your sunglasses and head out for day. Our kids now love that the smell of it reminds them of beach holidays, a lovely pop of joy as they pay it forwards to their future selves in protecting against burn, wrinkles and skin cancer.

I hope you like these products as much as us, read more about them online or come in, try some on your skin, and stock up for summer.


Lillias and Oliver getting ready to head out for the day